Wednesday 8 October 2008

Advanced Exploration

I am thrilled and delighted that following the completion of the 12 week 'What one person can do' conversation I now have the opportunity to go on and complete the advanced exploration with Bill Cumming with a view to facilitating the WOPCD conversation with others in the future!
I now have the opportunity to continue to explore and extrapolate my experiences out to my whole life.
Currently I am doing everything with enthusiasm, as if it were the most important thing in the world to do. It makes the housework far more enjoyable and my new energy affects all those around me too, it's a wonderful experience, why don't you give it a try? :)
go to to find out more about WOPCD

Friday 3 October 2008

My Life's Purpose

One of the assignments for the 'What One Person Can Do' course is to write down your life's purpose.
I thought this was a huge task and wrote several drafts before realising that the 'doing' part of my life really isn't that important if the 'being' part hasn't been figured out.
Once I'd realised this my purpose flowed out of me in one continual stream.
I feel it says the most I can say about what I want to 'do' with my life and what I feel my purpose on this planet is and I'd recommend writing down your life's purpose to everyone :)

My Purpose in Life
  • To come from a space of loving kindness in everything I do
  • To create safe supposrtive environments that allow others to grow and explore
  • To keep growing positively and changing when necessary
  • To not know all the answers but to be curious about finding out
  • To bring more fun and joy into the world and lead by example
  • To nourish my own spirit and take care of myself so I can be able to assist others
  • To be present in each moment and maintain my consciousness
  • To follow my dreams and live a wonderful, joyous, exciting, varied life and in doing so allow others to do the same
  • To recognise the gifts that are in each person, and believe in them, so they can find them too
  • To be authentic and promote this in others
  • To remain detached from any specific outcome and allow the universe to work, knowing everything is happening just as it should
Beth Stanley 13th September 2008