Wednesday 16 January 2013

Update- I'm still here!!!

Soooooo....I think after 18 months I have to admit I'm not a blogger.  I was told that I had to blog in order to 'get clients' and it's not proved true for me.  Although I suppose it wasn't a fair test as I wasn't blogging!

What I have discovered over the past 18 months is that I like to write and share things with people and I tend to do that on Facebook rather than on here.  However I realise that not having a current blog makes it seem that I am no longer actively coaching which is definitely not the case.

In the past 18 months I have focused on working with teenagers and young people which is where my passions lie.  Having had a particularly difficult time in my teens and early 20's I am best suited to working with people in this same stage of their life going through situations similar to the ones I've been through.

Through my maths tuition I often get the opportunity to coach young people and help them develop a sense of their innate worth.  They are able to focus less on solely the grade they will achieve, understand that comparison to another is pointless, the only person worth comparing yourself to is yourself, and focus more on the all round benefits of and enjoyment in studying, learning, developing and growing.

I don't know what it is about young people that I resonate with so much.  Maybe I haven't fully grown up myself?  I think it's the fact that their opinions are not yet rock solid, they're willing to be wrong (sometimes anyway!), willing to learn something new, able to absorb new ideas and apply them quickly in a way most adults don't seem able to do.  Whatever it is I know it's where I want to be and where I can be of most use.

Onward and upwards!!

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